Blueskin BayCreative Commons Attribution Share-Alike licence 2.0 by Alistair Paterson

Waitati school wetland

Occupational Therapy students helped Waitati School plan and prepare for restoration of a wetland on a damp part of their site.

Waitati School has a piece of unused land that is often damp or flooded. The Principal's vision for this land was to restore a wetland, that would provide both a space for quiet reflection and a place for children to learn and play. This would be a sustainability project that would also deliver wellbeing and learning outcomes.

Occupational Therapy students applied the Five Finger Framework to help the school progress this project: considering the research evidence, expert advice, information provided by the School (principal, staff, pupils and their whanau), the relevant policy and regulatory framework, and their own experience. 

As well as gathering input from the School community, they organised information for the Principal such as funding and council guidelines. They also networked with the community to gather resources and materials, arranging for Placemakers and Nichol’s Garden Centre to donate resources when the school is ready to proceed with the site development.