Crafty Club Mondays!
"Crafty Creators" takes place on Mondays after school. In Craft Club, learners are free to choose what they'd like to create and explore in the textiles, soft materials and craft fields.
We have learners creating a knitting group - we are knitting squares for baby blankets to donate and we have had some learners create a basic pencil case to learn how to use the sewing machine.
We also have a group that have started to draft a skirt pattern (traditionally an NCEA Level 1 exercise!) and will hopefully have a toile made next term to see if their first pattern drafts fit them, once this is done they will be able to design and create their own skirts and beyond.
We also have some learners looking into scrapbooking next term as well.
A reminder anyone can join Crafty Creators - just see Shontelle. Keep calm and keep Crafting!