Hero photograph
Photo by Kat Liu - Asomua

National Future Schools Expo

Kat Liu - Asomua —

Nick Pattison, Aleena Dean, Peter Willis and Niklesh Naidu took the stage twice today at the National Future Schools Expo and Conference in Melbourne to highlight and explain the accelerator programme, (specifically that of their robotics company, the VR and water rocket projects) being run through TAIP at OJC.

 Aleena, Peter and Niklesh were in the privileged position of being the only students to speak and present at the conference. As well as speaking to large conference rooms full of people, they also had the opportunity to meet and talk one-on-one to a range of educators, entrepreneurs, businesses and leaders who are all focused on making education more exciting, purposeful and meaningful to students. #FutureSchools @EduTECH_AU

Learning Designer Tracey Greenwood