Ormiston Junior College — Feb 20, 2018

As a graduate with a BA in Politics, I initially trained as a secondary school teacher in 2002 and for my first role in the classroom, took on the challenge of becoming the Head of Classical Studies at Orewa College.

Over the following years I developed curriculum while embarking on ambitious extra-curricular activities, such as Stage Challenge.

In 2007 I left for my OE and decided to pursue a business career in commercial shipping. During 5 years overseas I managed to combine my passion for education with what I had learnt of business, working for the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers. I worked with an international team of people globally across 25 international branches and 17 education centres. I’ve also been lucky enough to be published several times over across a number of international shipping publications on the value of education and lifelong learning.

I returned from overseas at the end of 2011 and was lucky enough to enjoy another position at Orewa College, this time leading their History department. During my second stint at Orewa I became a Specialist Classroom Teacher and a member of the school’s Professional Development Committee, supporting other teachers through the task of up-skilling for 21st century learning.

I’m thrilled to be part of the foundation team at OJC and am very much looking forward to embracing the challenges of opening a new school — one that fosters learning, focuses on student needs, and embraces the community.

My partner Kieran and I live in Conifer Grove and enjoy our local community very much. In my spare time I knit (very badly), love food and enjoy walking, travel and reading.