Hero photograph
Photo by Kat Liu - Asomua


Kat Liu - Asomua —

What do Rats, Moth Plant and single-use plastics have in common? Nine OJC learners were lucky enough to find out when they attended the ‘East Auckland Pestival’ at Sancta Maria in March. Learners were exposed to the perils of having these pests so close to and surrounding our everyday environment.

We were each provided a ‘T-Rex’ rat-trap to set up at our homes to help eradicate rodents around our houses. Any rats caught are to be disposed of in the weekly rubbish collection and data received to be uploaded to CatchIT - a database set up NZ wide to track rat populations.

The invasive nature of the Moth Plant was next on the agenda. We learned that each pod, once popped, contains up to 1000 seeds which are distributed by the wind and can reach up to 30km in distance! We can help eliminate this pest by taking off the pods (with gloves, as the white sap can provide a mild irritation to skin) and put them in the nearest bin. Destroying the plant by cutting it down at the base is another way to help out.

Single use plastics were the third pest discussed, and the one which we all had a direct connection with. Learning how making changes to our own personal choices can affect how and even why we use plastics. Swapping plastic shopping bags for reusable ones, taking a reusable coffee cup instead of taking a take-away cup and most easily, refusing those straws!

Not only was it a thought-provoking evening, learners also took a ‘pledge’ describing just one thing they will change to help make a difference to our surrounding community. What might you do to join us at OJC to help reduce plastic, rid our area of Moth Plant or eradicate those pesky rodents? 

Numeracy Designer Katie Clay