Ormiston Junior College

8th April 2022

Te Whakawhiti is the cross-over, interchange, exchange or intersection point on a journey. In a school like OJC where learning is life and life is learning, it is a fitting symbol of navigating and sharing learning, life and new experiences as we reflect on what has taken place and set our sights on events and opportunities on the horizon. Te Whakawhiti | The Exchange is our pānui (newsletter/notices exchange) to keep our whānau and our wider OJC community up to date on College events, activities, news and important dates.

This edition has been a few weeks in the making, as we promised the many good news stories that were happening were worthy of air time over and above our rising (and then falling) COVID cases, but we wanted to present these in a digital friendly format, as many of these stories are told in pictures. It's been a massive few weeks, a massive day today with Spirit Day (and what a treat it was - there will be some tired eyes at home tonight!), and now we look toward another massive one ahead with the final week of term ahead. There's lots to take in here -

With the end of term almost upon us, we have seen so much happen across our school during this very challenging period for everyone. However, while we have all faced obvious challenges, here at school we can still find so many things to celebrate! From outstanding TAIP launches, early sporting successes, another production getting underway, new MACs settling in, and Kāinga and Spirit Day preparation/activities anchoring our recent week, there is much to enjoy as we look back on a hard, but amazing term. Look at all we have done!

This is the publication for our entire OJC community. If you have a story worth sharing, be sure to let us know.

Ngā mihi mahana,

Luke, Viv, Ryan & Makia

Leaders of Learning


  1. TAIP: 'Tūwhitia te Hopo' | Banish the Fear!

    TAIP ('T'ransdisciplinary, 'A'uthentic, 'I'nquiry, 'P'rojects) is well underway. As mentioned earlier, our current TAIPs see our ... Read more…
  2. Kāinga Spirit Day 2022

    This week culminated with the annual and highly contested spirit day event where each of our six Kāinga reflected their Kāinga ... Read more…
  3. COVID-19 and Attendance Rates in Term 1

    We would really like to extend, once again, our thanks to the entire whānau population for your open communication with the school ... Read more…
  4. Key Dates Coming Up: End of Term 1 & Term 2, 2022

    As term 1 draws to a close there are many events over the coming week and up ahead next term that are worth putting in the diary now! Read more…
  5. Video: Assessment at OJC: What we do to show progress in students learning...

    OJC assesses student progress through students developing their understanding of and making connections to the Learning Areas of The ... Read more…
  6. TAIP: Our People, Our Stories

    Visual metaphor, symbolism and iconography driving connections with people, place and heritage for learners. Read more…
  7. TAIP: The Power of Mycelium

    A range of moments captured here. Preparation of grow bagsmeasuring lime water ratiosinoculating substratetransplanting spawn in ... Read more…
  8. Outdoor Ed: Mahurangi & Kaimai/Mamaku Tramps

    Images from our recent Outdoor Ed Tramp for for Year 9 & 10 learners to the Kaimai/Mamaku ranges and Daley's clearing. Read more…
  9. 'From the Upbeat' - Specialist Music Coaching Begins!

    Our specialist music coaching programmes have began with learners involved coming out of regular classes to participate in their 30 ... Read more…

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