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Otago Boys' High School

A stormy blast brings back a welcome blast from the past!

Elaine Kelly - March 21, 2023

Stormy skies hit us at the start of this week and no doubt many of you returned home to recycling and rubbish bins that had been strewn all over the streets, leaving a big clean-up job.

In my area, people are pretty good about looking after their neighbours, so when the call to clean up came, my daughter and I took on doing our street. Then a familiar face from 2022 pulled up in his car, got out, and said "Come on Miss. I'll help you! Gotta leave the place better than you found it".

This was the voice of Harry Devereux, ex-Deputy House Leader of McIndoe from 2022. He pitched in and we cleaned up the street together in no time. It's great to see that some of the values we try to instill at OBHS never leave them. "Hand up, not out" clearly stuck with this young man. Cheers, Harry!