Hero photograph
Photo by Sharon Bennett



Coming to school and arriving on time are the first steps in succeeding.


Attendance is monitored every period and student absences are followed up. Mrs Ruth Pelet, the school Attendance Officer, sends text/email messages every day to parents of students who have been marked absent without explanation.  Mrs Pelet is also our first point of call for first aid.  All attendance or medical concerns should be directed to her. 

Please advise us of absences by:

  • phoning 477 5527 ext  257- Mrs Pelet.  Messages can be left at anytime 24 hours per day.


We look for parental support in promoting high attendance. We understand that there are times when students cannot attend but we ask that this is kept to a minimum.

Prolonged absences from school are best notified to the Attendance Officer Mrs Ruth Pelet. If you are able to do school work, it can be supplied so that schooling is not missed.

Boys may not leave the school grounds at lunchtime, unless they regularly go home for lunch. If this is the case, you will need to apply to the Office with a note for permanent permission. No other students are allowed to accompany you.

Please avoid:

  • family holidays during term time. Approval for extended absences should be sought from the Rector before making bookings.


Being in class on time is a courtesy. It is a way of showing respect to teachers and classmates. It also shows organisation and commitment to learning. 

Guidance Counsellor

Mr Rob Wither  has the time and expertise to help.  His office is located in the Shand to the left of the Canteen/Grandstand.  Boys may leave a note if they wish to have an appointment.  It's totally confidential.   

Email: rob.wither@obhs.school.nz