Elaine Kelly — Jul 1, 2021

It’s a hard choice when there are so many wonderful French and German dishes to choose from! To ensure a delicious end to their termly or half year option classes in Languages, the Year 9 and 10 were treated to an authentic culinary feast.

In the French classes, the Year 9 enjoyed croissants, “Crepes au Nutella”, “Tarte au Citron” and the famous “Tarte Tatin”. Year 10 savoured some “Quiche Lorraine”, “Gratin Dauphinoise” and “Mousse au Chocolat”.

The German classes took a savoury turn with Year 9 indulging in the favourite of every Berliner, the “Currywurst”. The brave amongst them even tried out some “Sauerkraut”! Their sweet treat was “Spaghetti Eis”, an ice cream sundae invented more than 50 years ago by an Italian immigrant.

As for the Year 10 German class, they tried a dish they are never likely to find in New Zealand – “Königsberger Klopse”, a traditional meatball dish originating from East Prussia. The finale being an “Apfelstrudel”. Lecker!

I should mention that there is an extension option for Languages available to students in Term 4. The extension option is designed to increase your son's knowledge of the language and prepare them for further study in Year 10. It is most suitable for students who have enjoyed the ten week block and who are serious about continuing their study of the language and culture.

Learning Languages at OBHS is always a tasty experience!