Maria Zammit — May 17, 2018

Clean, green New Zealand. That was the centre of the junior debates Wednesday last week, where the house was an environmental group that wanted to scrap New Zealand’s clean, green image.

Unfortunately, there weren’t enough debaters to form a combined team, so Matthew Visser and Sean Brooks-Adams were unable to take part. However, they had the opportunity to see how their older brothers prepared for a debate.

Our team was formed by Daniel Visser, Moss Pelvin, and Tristan Escueta. It was a tough topic for our debaters, and led some useful feedback from the adjudicator. The debate was close, with a margin of 2.5 points, but our team came away with a hard-fought win. The icing on the (victory) cake was Moss securing highest speaker for the debate.

Well done lads, and good luck for your next competition.