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Otago Boys' High School

2018 OBHS School House Prefects

School House Prefects Announced

Matthew Markham - February 18, 2018

On Thursday at formal dinner the 2018 School House prefects were presented with their prefect badges.

It was a special occasion in School House on Thursday when 11 young men were appointed as School House prefects. Being a boarding prefect is the ultimate honour given in any school boarding establishment and means a great deal to all who are chosen. With the honour of being a School House prefect comes great responsibility. The boys are expected to take on a leadership tasks which sometimes require them to make decisions that may not be popular with their peers. This is very difficult for young men, but the badge presented to them is a symbol in the faith bestowed upon them by the boarding community, and I am sure they will all do an excellent role.  Congratulations boys!!

The School House prefects for 2018 are as follows:

Tom Howie (Head of House)

Nicolas Sinnott (Deputy Head of House)

Bradley Affleck

Jared Solomon

Cameron Chung 

Tom McGregor 

Lochlann O'Sullivan 

Max Watt 

William Stone

Scott Tisdall 

Thomas Harding