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School Song


The current school song ‘Follow Up Otago High’ was written in 1909 by Miss Kathleen Park, daughter of A.J. Park (1870-1872), a former Dux.

The song begins ‘Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years ahead’ and has a chorus that ends ‘Follow Up Otago High’ and is sung to the tune ‘John Brown’s Body’.

In 1909 Miss Park entered a competition to find an appropriate school song but was unable to be named as a winner because the condition of entry was limited to past and present pupils.

The winning song was written by DWM Burn which begins ‘Above the city lo! she stands’ and is sung to the tune ‘The Lass of Richmond Hill’. Mr Burn was awarded the prize of five guineas.

The words of the school song ‘Follow Up Otago High’ are below. The song is sung most weeks at Assemblies and is included as part of the annual House Competitions.

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years ahead

When others shall be singing here where once our voices led

Shall memory rise and call to mind the days that long have sped

As the years go rolling by.


All together raise the chorus

Here in youth with life before us

Still, when years are passing oer us

“Follow up, Otago High"

DESCANT (YEAR 10 only)

Glory, Glory Hallelujah

Glory, Glory Hallelujah

Glory, Glory Hallelujah,

Follow up, Otago High

Deserted are the walls where once our fathers in their day

Began the goodly record in their work and in their play

And ours the task to add to it beneath the turrets grey

As the years go rolling by.


She gave you of her greatness, of her bounties full and free

So guard her fame, revere her name, wherever you may be

Past sons, present sons and future sons to be

As the years go rolling by.