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Mountain biking

Andrew Willmott —

Hard to believe that was the last session for the year!

Despite Dunedin’s dreary spring weather, this term saw us complete seven rides, with only one day impacted by wet trails.

While illness and injury has seen us riding with a reduced bunch most weeks, there has still been a good sized group of enthusiastic boys keen to send it every Monday.

The riding ability has really impressed me for a group that considered themselves to be new/progressing riders. They were all able to easily negotiate intermediate and, more recently, some advanced trails (and even hit some jumps!). It has been great to see the boys challenge themselves and under the guidance of Campbell MacDade and Cam Gardiner develop their skills to a point where some might consider riding competitively next year.

Signal Hill has been the go-to most weeks, probably more because the boys prefer the downhill to the uphill. This week it was Signal Hill again.