Richard Hall — Jun 22, 2018

A senior centurion is a student who has passed 100% of the NCEA credits he is offered in a year.

Sounds easy, but it isn't. It requires planning, a willingness to stay in the race and most of all the self confidence to set that as a goal. In our school, senior students who are centurions are not only the academic elite, they are a wide range, and every boy has the chance to be one.

If they stay a centurion, each boy will be presented with an oak leaf badge. The oak leaf signifies that they are a centurion and they can wear it on their blazer. Importantly, the idea for this badge, came from the Student Council in 2015.

For those who have fallen, that race may be over, but I would encourage you to get up and keep on going. Perhaps there is a subject in which you are still a centurion, perhaps there is more than one. For it is in the running of that race that you have success, not in bowing out and letting others lap you. Included in this newsletter are our current Year 11 - 13 centurions. They are from, as I have said, a wide range of backgrounds and I look forward to them continuing to be centurions.