Matthew Markham — Jun 12, 2018

The Zorb Returns

Back by popular demand, the Zorb returned on Sunday. We have had many activities this year, but perhaps the favourite has been the Zorb Balls and the boys got the chance to indulge themselves again on Sunday. The Year 9 and 10 boys were first up and they certainly got stuck into each other. By the time it was the senior boys turn, the weather had turned and not so many were keen to get cold and wet! Despite being very popular the Zorb won’t be seen at Otago Boys' again until term one 2019.

Over Queens Birthday weekend, the hostel was very busy as we hosted 138 swimmers. All teams were very happy with our hospitality and facilities and loved the food! I would like to thank Magda Marx (Kitchen Manager) and her team for the quality of the food, they certainly enjoyed it! Thank you also to the rest of the staff for cleaning the whole hostel and preparing 138 beds in only a day, an outstanding team effort.

On Wednesday, the boys got their first real taste of winter with the snow and ice making it difficult to get to school. The path from the hostel to Stuart St was very slippery and it took the boys a while to get to school.

We have the second of our themed dinners next Thursday, Japan. Our Japanese boys have been working hard to come up with a menu and a few ideas of what we can do. I am sure they will put something together that the rest of the boys will thoroughly enjoy.

We are now starting to enter an important part of the year with junior mid-year exams and constant NCEA internals for the seniors. The senior boys probably think that their NCEA exams are a long way off but they will creep up on the boys fast. The reality is that they only have a term and a half left of school before the examinations. Your journey to success starts now boys!

Have a great week!