Matthew Markham — Oct 28, 2018

School House keeps busy with study, the beach and Netball.

We had a productive weekend in the hostel and I was impressed by the amount of study the senior students did. There were however, a few activities on offer, with a trip to St Kilda beach on Saturday afternoon and our annual Garfield Cup netball exchange with Columba College.

We got the timing of the beach trip spot on with the boys enjoying some good weather. By the time we had got back the weather had turned for the worst and we had a wet evening. There was not much swimming, with the water still very cold.

Last night we had a very enjoyable evening in the Columba College gym. Two games of netball were played, one junior and the other senior. Our junior team won a tight match and the seniors lost in another tight match. This unfortunately, meant that we lost the Garfield Cup which we had won last year. Despite this, it was an enjoyable evening and the boys really got into the spirit of it. Columba put on an excellent supper afterwards and I would like to thank them for their hospitality.

We have a busy week ahead with Skippers Feast on Wednesday and senior prizegiving on Thursday. I hope all the leavers have an enjoyable last week of school, but also make the most of the last of their classes to adequately prepare for their exams.

Congratulations to Michael Manson who has been selected to participate in the Red Bull Ignite7 programme. This new initiative is to identify future All Black Sevens players. Michael is the only Year 12 student in New Zealand to have been selected. Well done Michael!

Have a great week.