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Want to play pool?


This year Boweys Pool Lounge and Bar are going to run a FREE pool programme for secondary school students.

This is another activity that has come out of the OSSSA Junior Have A Go Week, which is always hugely popular. This programme is suitable for ALL ability levels, beginners who are starting out/want to give it a go and those with experience who want to further their skills.

Key details:

  • Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm - 5pm.
  • Boweys Pool Lounge and Bar.
  • FREE entry to Boweys, during the above hours only.
  • Drop in style, come regularly or whenever you can.

If there is good interest in this programme then a youth billiards club may be formed, which could lead to developing a team to play against peers nationally.

If you have any further questions about the secondary schools pool programme at Boweys, please contact info@boweys.co.nz.