A message from the Rector
There is no doubt that with the seniors at least, we are in the final stretch.
This week saw our last 'normal' senior assembly, the Pasifika Awards Evening, the Maori Awards Evening, the last performance of the 2022 School Choir and the reading of the senior prize list.
Each of these was an opportunity to push the theme of recognition, of recognising not only an individual's achievement, but to recognise those who stand beside them, the teachers here, whanau at home and our excellent school community.
Recognition is important to everyone, and especially young people. From the earliest, as parents and teachers, we praise and encourage the behaviours we want in our boys. We coerce, we bribe, we may threaten and hopefully, if we are committed, we follow through. Each of these strategies applies to a 17 year old today as it did to a 7 year old in the past.
But do we spend as much time recognising failure? Recognising it for what it is, a moment in time and not a life sentence. The expectation is that failure is a bad thing, not always. That failure is final, not always and that failure is defining, not always. Put it in perspective.
I hope as parents and caregivers you take some time to reflect on that theme yourself, not with your son, he is probably not that worried, but as a parent reflect on how you cope with that and how you model dealing with it. Remember you remain their first teacher.
Failure hurts, no doubt and especially for a parent who only wants the best for their child. However, we are also the adults, we understand that life is not 100% exact. Your success as a parent is not defined by your son being excellent. It is defined by how he is as a person, which is way more than that.
Our Prize Giving on Tuesday evening will reflect those who have achieved highly, who have put the effort in and who have had success. That will be celebrated and the expectation is that we have 100% senior and junior attendance because we are teaching our boys the value of recognising themselves and others. You don't need to be a prize winner on Tuesday night to feel valued and instead we take the opportunity to recognise others as that is the longer lesson.
For all of us the role of teacher, parent and positive community member is significant and I praise you all for your success.
I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening.