Year 10 Accelerated Learning Workshop

Lachie Hall —

On Thursday, 27 Year 10 boys attended the first accelerated learning workshop in 2021, with Mr. Campbell, the dean of accelerated learning and Scott Bezett, a former head boy of Otago Boys’ who achieved excellence across a range of academic, sporting and cultural pursuits.

We started the workshop with a focus on research skills - more specifically, looking at websites and comparing if they are reliable or not. We split into groups, compared opinions, looked at different aspects of a website and started to read laterally and vertically to find out if the source is credible. We started to think critically, search deeper for information and look for signs of quality information.

After that, we started to look into some of the problems in our community or New Zealand and some of the things our government can do to change them. We had a wide range of ideas from changing the housing system, increasing online safety laws to the wool price and water tax. We looked into issues that affected us, interested us and issues we wanted to help make a change against.

The first accelerated learning workshop for the year was a great success. The workshop ended on a high note and was very enjoyable.