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Otago Boys' High School


OBHS - November 15, 2020

All of you have a uniform which you should be proud to be wearing. At Year 9 level the Dean takes special note of how the uniform is worn and the pride with which it is worn. It is important all items of uniform are clearly named.

You should always have your full uniform at school, and it should be worn properly to and from school.

Assemblies require the wearing of the correct uniform, including socks up. Classroom teachers will also insist on the wearing of the correct uniform upon entry into their classroom for normal classes. The Physical Education department has special requirements which you will be made aware of at your first class. If your uniform is being repaired or dry cleaned, please bring a note from your parent or guardian explaining why you are not correctly dressed. The note you bring should be taken to the  school office for endorsement. Finally, if you do not purchase the regulation jacket it is reasonable to wear a blue windbreaker type jacket to and from school during rainy weather, but it is not to be worn around school during the day and is not a replacement for the uniform outlined in the school prospectus.

Our uniform is available to purchase from Uniform Group, New Zealand Uniforms and Tudor Clothing.

PE Uniform

The PE uniform can be purchased through the Otago Sports Depot.  This consists of a top and shorts specific to what house you are in.  The cost for both items is $100.  

All items of clothing and sports equipment must be named. The staff neither have the time nor the resources to try to track down lost and unnamed possessions.

Unnamed and unclaimed lost property will be disposed of after a reasonable time.

Please see attached price lists from both Uniform Group, NZ Uniforms and Tudor Clothing.