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OBHS Prefect - Matthew Attenborough

The Last Word

Matthew Attenborough —

Making changes and adapting.

Sometimes it’s forced upon us, other times it’s a choice we make ourselves. Change is everywhere, globally, locally, personally. Change in technology, the change in climate, and when they change Colonel Sanders secret recipe of herbs and spices.

I’m going to speak about the changes I’ve experienced personally in the short time I’ve graced the earth with my presence. Unfortunately, life doesn’t move in a constant upwards trajectory. I’ve experienced great highs but also have been through some dark times, as have those close to me like my mates and family.

Life can really suck at times. So... we need to change and adapt in search for better, positive outcomes. Sometimes you will notice an immediate effect after a change, or sometimes it will take a little longer. There are times where you will need to change your change, but don’t be afraid to make change. Sure, give it a good crack first and show a bit of perseverance but don’t keep kicking the can down the same road to nowhere.

My family have made some big changes and adaptations over time. Some work out as intended, some don’t. My parents lost their home and belongings in a major hurricane back in 2004. It was absolute carnage to the island they were living on, no power and water for months, nothing to do but adapt and start again. It can’t have been that bad though - I was born a year later!

I had to make a big change in Year 11. I moved schools from Queenstown to OB's. The school I was at just wasn’t a good fit for me. I was too distracted. I blame the beautiful scenery when starring out the classroom window, the awesome pies at the canteen, and girls! I guess the fact I’m here addressing you this morning would suggest that the change that I made was a good one.

When I was 10, our family moved to a country in Europe for a while. They spoke a foreign language I didn’t understand and I was home schooled with my brother. It was exciting but kind of sucked at the same time. I missed my mates and sports teams. However, one of the strongest memories of that time was seeing thousands of migrant refugees from places abroad like Syria pouring into Europe with nothing but the clothes on their backs and a duffel bag. Old grandmas, kids my age and babies. What a change those people were forced to make, and the massive adaption that was ahead of them. I am also aware that there are boys in this auditorium who have been through the same thing.

By far the biggest change for me occurred in March last year when I lost my 21 year old brother in a tragic hiking accident. Nothing can prepare you for something like that, it is truly a life changing experience. It’s really tough, but you have to adjust and make the changes to help you move forward. 

We’re all different. Some of us take longer to figure out what changes we need to make in order to find our way, good and bad stuff is going to happen. Just don’t be afraid to change and adapt.

My Koro always reminds me “nothing ventured nothing gained boy”.