Hero photograph

Year 10 Mt Aspiring camp dates - Term 1

Richard Roe —

We have five Year 10 classes going to camp at Mt Aspiring this term.

Cost for camp this year will be $375. Fees can be paid off in instalments over a period of time, or in cases of hardship we can apply for financial assistance on your behalf.

Trip 1   10S Sunday 19th – Friday 24th February

Trip 2   10G Sunday 26th February – Friday 3rd March

Trip 3   10Y Sunday 5th – Friday 10th March

Trip 4   10T Sunday 12th – Friday 17th March

Trip 5   10B Monday 20th – Saturday 25th March

This leaves 10H and 10O who will have their class camp during Term 4.

The first two classes have already received their camp forms and the others will be getting theirs within the next week.

Now is a good time to be starting to accumulate the important gear items like tramping pack, waterproof raincoat, thermal clothing, etc. We do not expect families to be going out and buying the items they don’t have, but trying to borrow first from friends/relatives etc. The school has a limited supply of good quality packs and raincoats if other sources are unsuccessful.

Any questions or concerns email richard.roe@obhs.school.nz (apart from during Trip 2 when I will be away myself).