Internal assessments
OBHS - March 23, 2023
Monday 27
11SCI (KT)
90930: Carry out a practical chemistry investigation, with direction.
Friday 31
11-13 Music
91092: Compose two original pieces of music (first piece).
91271: Compose two substantial pieces of music (first piece).
91419: Communicate musical intention by composing three original pieces of music (first piece).
91328: Demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills.
12ENG (GM)
91107: Analyse aspects of visual and/or oral texts through close viewing Final Copy due.
12PED (MG)
91328: Demonstrate understanding of how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills.
13ENG (HL)
91480: Respond Critically to Aspects of Visual and/or Oral texts though close reading, supported by evidence.
91437: Analyse different perspectives of a contested event of significance to New Zealanders.