Hero photograph
Year 9 hostel camp at Mt Aspiring

Year 9 hostel Mt Aspiring camp

Vai Mahutariki —

The Year 9 hostel boys had a great time at the annual Year 9 hostel Mt Aspiring camp.

It was an excellent weekend away over 4 days to allow the Year 9 group to connect and develop friendships that will last a lifetime.

Lots of fun was had, along with team building, sports, physical challenges as well as some learning. This has set up the new boys for a great start to both life at Otago Boys' High School and also in School House. 

A massive congratulations goes to the group who also beat the previous record time in the Rock Challenge by more than two minutes completing the event in 28 minutes and 2 seconds. Well done! 

Thank you to Director of Boarding, Mr Mahutariki, Rector, Mr Hall, Lead Mt Aspiring staff member, Mr Roe and Housemasters Zaiya Mahutariki and Ben Sinnamon, along with our great hostel prefects for making this trip very memorable.

As always this is a great trip away at the OBHS Mt Aspiring Lodge. We are looking forward to these boy's journey over the next five years.