School House News
The end of a full on term.
We are just about there, the end of term. It has been a very busy term for School House with lots of events and the boys are really looking forward to a break.
The sports room is nearing completion and a big thank you to everyone who helped paint the room yesterday. By the first week of next term the room should be ready. Over the holidays the flooring will be finished, and the windows replaced by unbreakable glass, 6mm toughened. The project has dragged on somewhat and it will be good to have it finished. The room will become the new pit cricket area as the boys will lose their current space when the new entrance way is built.
Congratulations to Angus Faulks who has been selected to trial for the New Zealand Under 18 Touch team. This is a big achievement, especially as Angus is still very young for this age group. Good luck Angus!
The last week of term is a busy one with the Christchurch Boys' Interschool and junior exams. Good luck to all hostel boys involved in these events. The school has had some good success in interschools this year and let’s hope this continues against our arch rivals from Canterbury. Juniors, it is important that you make the most of prep this week, in order to prepare well for your exams.
On Thursday, we have our end of term formal dinner which is followed by house rowing for the Mitchell Cup. The boys really get into this event and the clear favourite is last year’s winners Campbell. It wouldn’t surprise me though if Thomson gives Campbell a bit of a fright.
I hope all the boys have a great break and that parents enjoy having their boys’ home for a couple of weeks.