A message from Sport New Zealand

Sport New ZealandMay 1, 2024

With winter sport now underway, we hope you’re all enjoying the start to the season.

We recently caught up with All Blacks coach and Balance is Better Champion Scott ‘Razor’ Robertson who shared his journey through sport and some great tips for sport parents for the season.

We’ve seen how important a good team culture and environment is across all levels of sport and Razor has been one of the best examples of bringing this to life in his work with the rugby teams he’s worked with but it’s not just the coach who plays a part in creating these positive environments.

In the words of Razor, "it only takes one episode to turn kids off sport and they then reflect on that and their identity gets caught up in that but it’s important to remember that it’s for them, not for us as parents.

It’s about creating an environment where they’re there to have a go and the kids can enjoy it as much as they can and learn. It’s not always going to go right but we’ll get up and go again.”

For Scott, it’s about helping them to realise what they’re good at, what they want to get from sport and supporting them to understand what they could do differently or focus on next time.

Check out Razor’s short video below with some great tips to consider this season while you’re supporting on the sideline to keep the passion alive for young people in sport. 


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