2024 Term 1 Students of the Term

William Bolter, Sam Goodchild, Samuel Crump, Jack Ussher and Flynn Wilson.

Students of the Term

OBHSApril 28, 2024

We would like to announce our Term One Students of the Term.

This award recognises one young man in each year level who has lived our school values: Respect, Perseverance, Honour, Courage and Excellence. He is a student who has shown through his actions these values, not just his potential. This award, we hope, will inspire all our students.

Congratulations to the following recipients:

Year 9
William Bolter
William is a bright and enthusiastic student who looks for opportunities to display the school values. He is a polite and respectful student who while aiming for excellence completes all set tasks to a high standard. William requests feedback from his teachers on how he can improve his work and is an absolute pleasure to have in the classroom.

Year 10
Sam Goodchild
Sam seeks to achieve highly, he is a diligent and thoughtful student. He gets on with his work and is an enthusiastic and interested writer. His mature attitude is an invaluable attribute which was displayed at camp this year when he was always the first to volunteer and offer assistance.

Year 11
Samuel Crump
As a Year 11 student, Samuel is studying Level 2 Geography. A respectful student who is interested in both his lessons and the wider school. Samuel is always willing to assist others. He works diligently and produces work of a high quality.

Year 12
Jack Ussher
Jack equally displays all of the school values. He seeks excellence in both his school work and on the sports field as a member of both the cricket and football 1st XI's. Jack is one of the most reliable student librarians and in class he is a consistent worker who interacts well with his peers.

Year 13
Flynn Wilson
Diligent, hard working, responsible, thoughtful and polite, all words that describe Flynn. Flynn is active in supporting both the school and the community and is always first to volunteer his services. He works very hard and sets a high standard for himself.

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