Year 9 Māori visit to Tūhura - The Otago Museum

Matua ThomasJune 26, 2024

This week the Year 9 Māori module class visited Tūhura - The Otago Museum.

This highlight towards the end of the module focuses on local pūrākau, narratives, to build a greater understanding of te ao Māori within the Kāi Tahu context.

We spent the first half of the session in the Planetarium exploring the night sky, with a focus on Matariki before watching Mārama ā-Whetū. This show expands on Māori sky lore, myths and legends relating to the southern night sky.

The second half of the session took us to the Tāngata Whenua gallery where we were provided with a guided tour which expanded on pūrākau and how these are incorporated into whakairo, carvings, around the gallery.

A big mihi to Ashley Stewart from Tūhura who captivated our attention and guided us through the duration of our visit.

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