OBHS — June 27, 2024
Below is a list of internal assessments that are due to be submitted next week.
13ENG (BG)
91480: Respond critically to significant aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close reading, supported by evidence.
11ENG (HW)
91925: Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text.
92048: Demonstrate understanding of findings of a Social Studies inquiry.
12 CHE (MZ)
91167: Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction.
13ENG (HL)
91475: Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains, and structures ideas.
92029: Demonstrate understanding of price determination for an organisation.
92008: Demonstrate understanding of hauora in a health-related context through the application of a model of health.
91933: Explore an environment using data.
92025: Demonstrate understanding of the significance of a historical context.
91893: Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome.
91252: Produce a design and plan for a developed media product using a range of conventions.
13ARG (GK)
91582: Carry out an investigation into an aspect of a New Zealand primary product or its production.
91494: Produce a design for a media product that meets the requirements of a brief.