Debating Update

Maria ZammitMarch 11, 2020

Our senior debating teams covered the topic ‘This house regrets free tertiary education’ in this week’s debate.

Team 1, consisting of Luke Geddes, Liam Connolly and Boudewijn Keenan took the affirmative position against John McGlashan College 1. Team 2, made up of Daniel Visser, Michael Crosson and Lachlan Williams and arguing the negative faced tough competition in Columba 1. 

Unfortunately, neither team secured a win, missing out by a 3.5 and 6.5 margin respectively.  Both teams gained some valuable feedback and the individual scores were very close. Luke and Liam had the highest score in Team 1 with Boudewijn a single point behind. 

The story for Team 2 was similar, with Daniel and Michael scoring the highest score in our team and Lachlan only two points behind.

A great showing against some stiff opposition this week – great work lads!

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