Archie touching a piece of glacial carving from the Tasman Glacier

Geography update

Kate HopeMay 19, 2022

It has been a busy year to date in the Geography department.

Year 13

Earlier in the term the Year 13 Geography class changed their research topic from researching how tourists use spaces in Queenstown to coastal processes at Karitane beach. Showing how adaptable we can be as Geography students. Students applied their understanding of beach processes out in the field and worked in groups to collect their data. The sun shone down on us on what was an enjoyable field trip. We are now back in the classroom analyzing our findings.

The class will get the opportunity to go to Queenstown later in the year to look at tourism development, and part of that comes looking at tourist activities.

Thank you to Mr Moller for accompanying us for the day and for sharing his Geography knowledge with the class. A special thank you also to the Otago University and Columba College Geography departments for loaning us their equipment.

Year 12

It has been a busy term for the Year 12 Geography students. Term one’s focus has been on identifying the homicide patterns in Chicago and analyzing their online maps to come up with a solution to this issue. Students switched focus at the end of the term to their other assessments based around the South Island High Country and our field trip to Mt Cook/Aoraki National Park.

Day 1 saw students conducting their research up the red tarns looking at alpine zonation with an aim of looking at vegetation changes with altitude. That evening we heard from Ray, a DOC representative on the New Zealand geographic issue on tahr in the South Island high country. It is always beneficial to get a first hand perspective on why they hold their viewpoint. It was also a chance for students to test DOC’s reasons. Later in the term we hope to hear from the New Zealand tahr foundation on their viewpoint before making a recommendation on how to manage the tahr.

Day 2 was our action day. Students have been learning about the interacting processes and elements throughout the high country. To gain a greater perspective we were to fly onto the Tasman glacier and put our feet on a wonderful part of NZ geography. However, the wind was up on this day, so some students were put in the helicopter instead, while others still went in the planes, but no glacial landings were to be had on this day. Students also went on the glacial explorers boat on the Tasman lake to learn about glaciers and features.

Day 3 To piece together all the interacting processes and elements, students walked up the Hooker Valley to take in the surroundings on foot. We were greeted with a magnificent site.

Well done to all the students for a wonderful and memorable trip away. A special thank you to our bus driver Brian and accompanying staff; Ms Moore, Mr Swan and Mr Sewell. 

Year 11

Students have just completed their research on ‘does street art encourage people to interact with an environment.’ We were guided on a street art tour by Athol from city walks and learnt all about changing places and spaces in Dunedin.

Our focus for the rest of the year is on extreme natural events and on sustainable uses of places. Students are looking forward to taking their learning into the field with trips to a dairy farm and Macraes mine booked for later in the term. 

Scholarship Geography

Tutorials for this have started on alternative Monday's after school from 3.05-4pm. The context for this year is on urbanisation in a global context. All students are welcome.

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