Blood bank donations

Rob WitherMay 19, 2022

Our annual blood donation day has arrived for our Year 13 students.

When: Tuesday, 24th of May (9:10am-1pm).

There has been a short presentation in senior assembly around blood donation day, but here are further details for you to consider.

The NZ Blood Service looks after the students who donate blood and provides a free bus from OBHS on the day, this will depart from the front of the castle's main entrance.

  • If you feel this is something that you may wish to do as a Year 13 student, my suggestion is that you do discuss this with home first.
  • Please read all the attachments below which outline who can give blood, criteria required such as but not limited to (age, weight, health requirements and travel coming from overseas restrictions) and what to do on the day of donating blood such as be in good health, have eaten and drunk plenty, have student ID and be five minutes early for the bus.
  • If you make the decision to donate blood contact me via email (see below under facts) and sign up at my office for the bus time.

Facts around Blood Donation:
· Every day 83 NZ’s will need lifesaving blood or plasma.
· Every 18 mins someone in NZ needs blood or plasma.
· Blood only lasts 35 days.
· O+ and A+ are the two most common blood types in NZ , so there is always demand for those types. Once you donate you will find out what your blood type is.
· One blood donation can save up to three lives.

How to donate
16 and over (Year13) plus certain criteria to donate blood with ID

We need 18 volunteers.

Please see sheet attached for further details.

  • Where to sign up:
    1) Please email me your interest (email address below).
    2) Sign up sheet for bus times, further details about eligibility and logistics for the 24th of May are also on the wall beside Mr Wither's office door (Guidance Counsellors office located in the "Castle" far side in the far right blue door).
  • Buses arranged from OBHS (three times 9.10am, 9.50am and 10.35am). Please be five minutes early. 

More Information:
Here is the NZ school blood donors video link outlining why giving blood is so critical to help others potentially in need (if you feel that you can and are in a position to do so). and also a story of a recipient is always helpful – see our story page

Who to contact: If you have any issues and/or concerns you are welcome to make contact with me:

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