Richard Roe — September 2, 2021
The OBHS Lodge, enjoyed by thousands of OBHS students over its 44 years in operation, will be available for families of OBHS boys to stay in for a short time again this summer.
This is a chance for our current students to show their parents where they went to camp, for old boys to re-visit old haunts with their own families, or just to get away from the pressures of city life in this beautiful spot.
For 7 nights in January 2022 (Sunday 23rd – Saturday 29th) the Lodge can be booked for the following rates;
$25 per adult and $15 per school age child per night OR book an entire bunkroom (6 beds) for $90 per night.
There will be a Lodge manager in residence during this week.
Contact Richard Roe ( for further information and an application form.