From the School Board Chair

Lawrence AllooJune 15, 2022

The time is fast approaching for us to elect a new School Board and I would encourage you all to think seriously about putting your name forward for election.

As current Board Chair, I would like to thank our current Board. It has been an absolute privilege to have led such a talented Board with a vast array of skills and so passionately committed to our fine school.

The upcoming School Board elections are an opportunity for us to vote for candidates who will make a positive difference to our boys’ education. School Boards need to represent the diversity of our school community and use their skills and experiences for the benefit of students.

You don’t have to be an expert in education, as you may bring other important skills such as financial, legal, management experience or be actively involved in our communities through paid and unpaid work in charities and support agencies. Diversity and working as a team are critical to ensuring the board can play its role in governance, strategic planning, accountability and support for our Rector and teaching staff.

As the school is moving to the mid-term election system, this time there is opportunity to stand for 18 months or 3 years. You should receive nomination forms via email within the next few weeks.

Nominations close on Wednesday, 3rd August at 12 noon. Election day is Wednesday, 7th September.

Thank you once again.


Lawrence Alloo
Board Chair

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