Te Reo Māori Quiz

A celebration of Māori language week

OBHSSeptember 15, 2022

On Thursday, 15th September at lunchtime our OBHS Prefects took on the pride of the other boys in a Te Reo Māori Quiz in celebration of Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori and part of a number of activities throughout the week.

Lots of fun and laughter was had putting their minds and knowledge to the test of anything from translations, cultural, to sayings like “nek minnit” (Huri rawa ake). We had some staff join us as well. At the end of the third section we had a tie break between all three teams. They both had accrued the same scores in rounds 1 and 2 and also in the Special Art Activity with the application of a ‘moko’ to their models. 

In the final quiz calculations, the difference of only one point separated the final places. The Prefects valiant but not quite enough finishing 3rd, the staff and student team finished second, and the 1st place went to the 'all school' team made of the various year groups. 

Well done to all those boys who participated or supported the event and to our staff who popped in to watch. It was a great event. 

Thank you to Mr Mahutariki for organising and running the event.  

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