Newsletter - No 8 - 2023

In this issue


Term 1, Week 9

Monday 27 - Sunday 2 April
Tournament Week

Monday 27
Gillette Cup 1st XI cricket v WBHS

Tuesday 28

Wednesday 29
2024 Europe Trip Information Evening 6.00pm
Year 6 - 8 Sports Information Evening 7.00pm

Thursday 30
SISS Mountain Biking Champs
Academic tutorials available at lunchtime (Room 102)

Friday 31
SISS Mountain Biking Champs
Gillette Cup 1st XI game (TBC)

Term 1, Week 10

Monday 3
13PED Triathlon

Tuesday 4 - Thursday 6
13GEO Queenstown trip

Wednesday 5

Thursday 6
Hostel parent/teacher interviews 
Academic tutorials available at lunchtime (Room 102)
Last day of Term - school finishes at 1pm

Upcoming dates

Monday 24 April
Term 2 starts
ANZAC Day Service

Tuesday 25 April
ANZAC Day - school closed


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