ODT Quiz grand final
Last Friday 10B students Thomas Cargill, Cormac De La Harpe, Shaun Hasler and William Munro headed down to Otago Museum to compete in the ODT Quiz Grand Final.
Visit this articleMonday 28
PPTA Paid Union Meeting - school closes for tuition at 1.25pm
Tuesday 29
Wednesday 30
Thursday 1
Leadership camp to Mt Aspiring
Friday 2
Last day of NCEA exams
Year 8 BBQ and hostel sleepover
Saturday 3 - Friday 9
Year 9 cricket tournament in Hamilton
Monday 5
Tuesday 6
Wednesday 7
Reading of junior prize list
Thursday 8
Friday 9
Junior prize giving and last day for junior students
Last Friday 10B students Thomas Cargill, Cormac De La Harpe, Shaun Hasler and William Munro headed down to Otago Museum to compete in the ODT Quiz Grand Final.
Visit this articleLast Sunday three students from OBHS had a unique experience.
Visit this articleYear 9 student Neo Salomonsson's perseverance in the pool is paying off.
Visit this articleWe have been advised that a paid union meeting has been arranged by the PPTA for teachers on the afternoon of Monday, 28 November.
Visit this articleThere is a large volume of school uniform in the lost property at the school office.
Visit this articleThe JR McKenzie Youth Education Fund has a proud tradition of supporting families in need of financial assistance, with the purchasing of a school uniform.
Visit this article***Application deadline extended***
Visit this articleUnipol recreation summer memberships are available for youth and the community from Monday, 14th November.
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