OBHS Rowing
Two great things have happened in the OBHS rowing world.
On Tuesday night the Otago Rowing Association presented the secondary schools trophies. Otago Boys' High School was awarded the magnificent George Thorn* trophy for the highest scoring school in the South Island junior regatta.
The 2022/23 Rowing Club captains, Cam McFarlane and Harry Graham, are pictured with the trophy. It is on display in the cabinet by the school office.
The second great thing is that the rowing club took delivery of a new coach boat to cater for our growing squad. A huge thank you to the Lion Foundation and the Aotearoa Gaming Trust for providing the equipment to keep the rowing boys safe on the water.
OBHS will hold an introduction to rowing/learn to row programme at the end of Term 3. Look out for the notices! If you would like information about the programme or rowing in general, you are very welcome to contact us at obsrowing@gmail.com.
*George Thorn was a leading sports administrator and international rowing umpire. He officiated at Olympic Games, Melbourne 1956, was the Manager of the NZ rowing team Cardiff Commonwealth Games 1958, was Deputy Chef De Mission NZ Olympic team Rome 1960, and Manager NZ Paralympic teams 196 and 1970.