Dunedin Youth Writers Assn. — April 11, 2024
Dunedin Youth Writers Association is warmly inviting new members!
The Dunedin Youth Writers Association is open again this year to all high school students from Year 11-13. We run group sessions that involve writing exercises covering a range of genres, workshops from nationally acclaimed authors, and field trips for writing inspiration (for example, we have visited Olveston Historic Home). We also regularly produce a high-quality writing anthology that showcases Dunedin’s youth writing talent.
Based on expressions of interest, we will be running every second Wednesday 4-6pm in the Dunningham Suite of the Dunedin City Library.
FREE and all welcome to attend! No experience required.
Contact us on Instagram to sign up!
Our website: dunedinyouthwriters.wordpress.com
Our Instagram: instagram.com/dunedinyouthwriters
Our email: youthwritersdunedin@gmail.com