Mikko Johnston — February 15, 2024
Everything is in motion!
With some exciting judges confirmed we cannot wait to get into this year's edition of the Otago Boys’ Talent Quest. There are only 24 days until auditions open. We are excited to announce Mr. Tim Ashdown as the official 2024 Talent Quest MC. We can’t wait to see Mr. Ashdown introduce everyone onto the stage, and potentially even see a move or two out of him! You’ll have to wait and see.
We would like to thank Mrs. Kinghorn and the continuous support from the OBHS Library. We are in the process of confirming sponsors, and can’t wait to announce our sponsors for 2024 as we couldn’t run the show without them. If you own/operate a local business and are interested in sponsoring the talent quest, get in touch (email address below) and we can have a chat!
To stay up to date with everything talent quest check out our website and Instagram.
Website: http://tinyurl.com/OBTQI
Instagram: @otagoboystalentquest
For any questions and or inquiries, please email ‘mikkoj.21077@obhs.school.nz’.