Putting Lockdown in the School History Books

OBHS LibraryMay 3, 2020

As we all know Otago Boys' High School has a rich history in Dunedin which has been well recorded. We want to continue this by capturing stories of your time in lockdown as an Otago Boys' High School community record of Covid-19, a major worldwide event in history.

What will our children or children’s children be asking about in years to come? What objects were significant? What did it feel like being in lockdown? What did you witness around the world and in your own neighbourhood?

We would like to see photos that represent ‘lockdown’ to you, an empty street, another puzzle complete. How did you fill those days?

Diary, journal entries, poems, song lyrics about how it felt, good, bad, funny or sad (these can be published anonymously if wished).

Descriptions about how we have changed the way we are learning, shopping, exercising and living.

These don’t just have to come from our students, we would love to see entries from family as well. What is it like to have a teenage boy in your space 24/7!?

The entries can be a few sentences to a short story.

Please help us continue to develop records of our boys' history.

Send your contribution to: library@obhs.school.nz

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