Richard Hall — May 7, 2020
The anticipated move nationwide to Alert Level 2, and the subsequent, realistic regulations for schools is a positive end to the week.
Level 3 has, to date, gone well and I thank all caregivers and parents for their support of our online learning structure. There has been a significant acceleration in the learning for staff, which is always a good thing. Moving forward, I believe we will be able to blend our learning styles to include online platforms.
At Alert Level 2, we will be able to open to the full school. It won't be quite business as usual, we must not let our hygiene standards slip, but it will be a return to a more traditional style of teacher/pupil contact. At Level 2 the teaching focus will be on quality classroom delivery, with the online as an aside for those students who are not able to attend.
An understanding of personal responsibility from everyone is key to ensuring we do not see a return to Level 3 or 4. Staff and students will need to be mindful of themselves and others to ensure we have the best environment. It is no use supplying hand sanitizer if no one uses it. As a parent, we need you to continue to cooperate with the school as we move forward. In particular, it will not be acceptable to send your son to school if he is sick. This has been clearly outlined in all of the government material. If he arrives at school unwell or becomes sick throughout the day, we will be sending him home.
We expect the hostel and the school to be fully operational as soon as we are allowed. It feels like the start of a new year!