2024 OBHS Prefect - Rohan Williams
Rohan Williams — June 11, 2024
I have been thinking about my Last Word for a long time.
I have looked at past ones, and written several versions with different ideas. But in all my research and talking about whose Last Word was the best, I found out that the ones that were short and simple were usually the best received and remembered ones, so let me stop waffling and get to it.
I dedicate this Last Word to my family, and also those who have been role models in my schooling years. To name a few: Mr. King, Mr. Twaities, and Matua Vai. These few and many more have taught me more than they know and probably more than what they believe. They have shown me kindness and taught me plenty of life lessons throughout my time as a student. Some being as simple as trying my hardest, to reinforcing the idea of being a good bloke.
But the simplest advice given was to figure out what I'm passionate about, and then pursue that passion.
For me, my passion is Science, more specifically Biology.
I've been passionate about science ever since I started learning about our world and how it works. I have always hoped to find a career focused on it, and it's the reason I hope to pursue a career in medicine.
Knowing what you're passionate about and pursuing it can guide you in many different ways. From helping you find a career you'll love, to deciding on what moves to make on your path. Pursue your passion was such simple advice, but something often overlooked due to the harm it could cause without dedication. Because passion does not equal competence. So boys, if you have something you like and are passionate about, and are willing to pursue it, dedicate yourself, set your goals and priorities straight, and follow through. Because passion is only the first step in a long road to success and happiness.
But don't let your passion distract you from all the other wonderful things in life. There are many joys and much laughter that you can miss out on if you let yourself get blinded by a single pursuit. So, make sure you live your life to the fullest, because you only get one life. Make sure it's one you are proud living, and worth remembering by yourself and others.
Of course, in typical OBHS fashion let me finish this with a quote, "Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams." - Donovan Bailey.