Year 11 English Prep with Miss Hope by Andrew King

Strange things happening on Thursday at the Hostel

Andrew KingMay 24, 2024

From a new seating plan at dinner, a round of applause for a teacher and boys enjoying doing English during Prep. Thursday was good day at the hostel.

It was great to see Archie enforce a different seating plan for dinner. The simple rule of not being able to sit next to someone in your own year group was applied on Thursday for the first time. Some strange combinations of individuals came together and found common ground over tea. It is a great initiative from the Prefects to get everyone out of their comfort zone and talking to people they do not know.

One of the staff who is new to OBHS this year, Miss Hope came for dinner and was welcomed with a warm round of applause. Miss Hope then worked with some of the Year 11 boys on their English internal that is due shortly. One young man, who asked not to be named, admitted "it was fun." High praise for Miss Hope and thanks for coming up and supporting school house.

With Teacher Only Day on Monday just a reminder that all Year 12 and 13 students are invited to attend the Tertiary open days on Sunday and Monday. I have emailed the boys and parents the program of events at both the Uni and Polytechnic.

It would be great if all boys were back in the hostel for dinner on Monday. At 6:30pm the Prefects have organised a House Dodgeball Competition and it would be great to get all the boys involved. 

Thanks to all the staff and boys at school house for another week of laughs and boundless energy.

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