
OBHSJanuary 28, 2020

Our school is monitoring information being provided by the Ministry of Health in regard to the Coronavirus.

As always, anyone who is unwell should not be at school. If you are concerned about your child, contact Healthline on 0800 611 116 or your GP for medical advice. Healthline has translators and interpreters available if required.

To the best of our knowledge no member of the OBHS community has recently been in the Hubei Province of China, but we are asking for those who may have to let us know.

Information and practical information about the coronavirus can be found on the Ministry of Health website.

General advice to help reduce the general risk of infection is as follows:

- avoiding very close contact with people showing symptoms

- frequently washing hands

- avoiding close contact with sick live farm animals or wild animals

- practicing cough etiquette (maintain distance, cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or clothing, and wash hands).

In the event of a reported case of the virus within our school community we will follow the advice of authorities.

Please contact the school on 477 5527 if you have any concerns.

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