A Message From The Rector

Richard HallNovember 28, 2019

Next week sees the final rite of passage for 2019. Our Junior Prize Giving, starting at 10.30am in the auditorium is a chance for us to celebrate a wide range of achievements from a strong group of Year 9 and 10 students.

Academic prizes and commendations for those who have followed the school value of perseverance, as well as cultural and sporting prizes make up the bulk of what this event does. It should not be mistaken for what this event IS.

In our school, rites of passage, or traditions are about the temperature of who we are; not stuffy or old-fashioned, rather boy and future focused. These ceremonies are markers on your son's journey. For Year 9's they move into the next year more confident and comfortable in who they are and in what they can achieve. For Year 10, obviously this is their last day in shorts. They will move to being a boy in a 'blue blazer'. This is a milestone that signals the world of adulthood is approaching.

As a community, the more we celebrate this idea of 'rites of passage', the more I think we allow our children to be just that; children, for longer. These holidays are a perfect time for your own family rite of passage. It does not have to be big. It might be an idea to mark the passage into the next academic level, or even just the new decade. If you have something that signals this, then you have the opportunity to open up a conversation about what being an adult is. 

Enjoy your weekend, the mighty 9B Cricket side have their last game tomorrow. We need a win!

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