Clay Target update

Jacqueline IrvingSeptember 7, 2022

Eleven boys travelled to Central Otago last weekend to compete across two separate competitions.

Our students were well supported by our clay target families. We are grateful to Jo and Grant Scurr, Greg and Tommy King, and Margaret Young who hosted our students in Wanaka. The Scurr family also hosted the entire squad and their extended families for a shared meal and viewing of the rugby test match on Saturday evening.

We are appreciative to Rachael Nicholson for coordinating the food for the weekend as she so capably does throughout the season. Scott Nicholson was our expert BBQ chef on both days in one of his last outings. He has been doing this for five years and sometimes sacrifices seeing his son Ollie shoot. Scott will retire from this role after nationals in Christchurch and we are seeking a new BBQ chef for 2023 for our outstanding shared lunches.

Our boys were encouraged and supported by parents and grandparents who travelled far and wide to ensure boys were well rested, fed and equipped to compete across two long days of competition. Sunday's wind made shooting and travelling challenging. 

A special mention to Ben Roy who on the back of six rugby games across tournament week in Christchurch based himself with his grandfather in Alexandra and commuted to Wanaka and Alexandra to be part of the shooting quad each day, showing great commitment. Darrius Rogers who was injured, still travelled away with us this past weekend and assisted Maree Whitely recording our shooting scores. This is what being a committed team member is all about. Charlie Scurr, who was still unwell, made it to Galloway on Sunday thanks to an extra trip by his father Grant to ensure we had two teams competing. It was a warm welcome to Charlie Hore on Sunday who shot at his first intercollegiate shoot. Thank you to his parents Simon and Gemma who tagged teamed to get him there. It was a treat to see Nicholas Sim, Ollie Nicholson, Johnathon King, Charlie Scurr, Shamus Young, Hunter Burgess, Darrius Rogers, Jackson Stevens, Ben Roy, Dustin Young and Charlie Hore compete and encourage one another. 

Wanaka Intercollegiate Shoot Saturday 3rd September 

A great day was had by all the boys with fine weather and wind gusts on and off.


Points Score - Teams Event - OBHS
Nick Sim, Ollie Nicholson, Shamus Young, Jackson Stevens, and Hunter Burgess

Single Rise - HOA - Nick Sim
Point Score - HOA -  Nick Sim
Single Barrel - 1st Junior Johnathon King
DTL HOA - Nick Sim
HOA - including Skeet - Nick Sim

Taieri Intercollegiate shoot held at Alexandra Sunday 4th September

The day started off fine and calm, then the wind came up. The shooters had some very challenging targets.


Single Rise
Senior - 2nd Ollie Nicholson
Junior - 2nd Dustin Young

Point Score
Senior - 1st Nick Sim
2nd Shamus Young
Junior - 2nd Charlie Scurr

Single Barrel
Senior - 1st Shamus Young

Ollie Nicholson, Shamus Young and Nick Sim were selected as part of the Otago DTL Team to shoot against Southland, which Southland won.

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