Year 11 Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition

Jacqueline IrvingMay 26, 2022

Autumn brings a change in temperatures and seasonal food.

With increasing food prices and food security becoming an issue our Year 11s have spent the last two weeks utilising local donated produce.

Wanaka windfall apples, Outram granny smith apples, Tutaekuri (maori potatoes) grown at Woodlands in Southland and green tomatoes grown by Teacher Aid Sandra Ritchie's husband. These ingredients have been processed and consumed by our Year 11 Food and Nutrition students to make the following:

  • Baked Vegetable Medley
  • Fruit Crumble
  • Notdogs (vegan homemade hotdogs)
  • Green Tomato Chutney
  • Vegan Aioli

Mrs Kate Woodhouse from the University of Otago College of Education is currently on placement teaching Year 11 Food and Nutrition. Our students are eating well and becoming better equipped at adapting ingredients to suit dietary needs and cost.

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