Otago Community Trust — Aug 17, 2020

As a precautionary measure, and as we were unsure when the alert levels may change, we made the difficult decision to postpone our Annual Public Meeting on 25th August 2020.

What this means for our Annual Public Meeting

We will re-evaluate the timing and method of holding our Annual Public Meeting in the coming weeks. 

We will keep you informed as to when, where and how our Annual Public Meeting will be delivered when we reach a final decision.

Ongoing Support

Staff and trustees appreciate how challenging it is for everyone dealing with this uncertain time. 

We wish to reassure you we will do all we can to help support our region and community organisations over this period. 

Under Alert Level 2 our office is currently open for staff only.

You are welcome to contact the Otago Community Trust team during normal work hours, particularly if the COVID-19 Alert Level change has changed things regarding an approved grant and / or a grant application.

Please call us on 0800 10 12 40 or email info@oct.org.nz. We are happy to connect over Zoom.

Please note that all Funding Clinics for August have been cancelled.