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Christmas Holiday Closure Dates

Otago Community Trust —

The Otago Community Trust office will be closed from 4pm on Wednesday 22 December 2021 and will reopen to the public on Monday 10 January 2021. Otago Community Trust wishes to remind all applicants that the Trust does not meet to approve grants in January.

Our first Board meeting for 2022 is the 22nd of February. Applications received in December will be considered in February. If you have not applied to us in the past you will need to register first, please note new registrations will not be processed during our holiday period.

The indicative timetable for 2022 is outlined below. The Trust usually takes 6 to 8 weeks to process an application and may not consider applications that need to be confirmed before this time.

If you have a community project and / or event to be held in 2022 and would like to discuss it further with the Trust, please contact our team in mid Janaury 2022 on 0800 10 12 40 or email: info@oct.org.nz